Balwyn North

Precision Pharmacy Compounding Services in Balwyn North

PharmacySmart Compounding works closely with patients and their prescribing doctors to develop tailored medications based on your individual needs – be it the ingredients used, the dosage required or your preferred type of administration.

If you find pills too difficult to swallow, for example, our team of qualified and experienced pharmacists can create liquid formations for you to drink instead. We can also make bitter medicines taste sweeter so that they’re easier to consume, and we can even remove specific ingredients from medication to align with your allergies.

Our state-of-the-art Balwyn North clinic is fully equipped to produce safe, high-quality medicines that are personalised just for you. We provide a wide range of compounding pharmacy services for doctors and patients right across Melbourne (PharmacySmart Compounding also has clinics in Pascoe Vale South and East Melbourne).

Your go-to Balwyn North compounding pharmacy

For more than 15 years now, PharmacySmart Compounding has been committed to assisting patients and their families (including four-legged family members) access the medicine they need in the way that best suits them.

Andrew Lau and Nancy Yeung draw on more than three decades of combined experience and a passionate team of more than 30 qualified pharmacists and lab technicians to deliver positive medicinal outcomes for those who need our efficient and reliable services.

Our state-of-the-art sterile lab in Balwyn North is one of only a select few that you’ll find in Melbourne. It is fully equipped with premium quality materials, dedicated staff, and tried-and-tested procedures for exceptional results. Whatever type of medication your health practitioner (or veterinarian) has prescribed for you, we can customise it to your specific needs.

Our Balwyn North compounding pharmacy caters for these healthcare areas:

  • Adult Health Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
    Fertility Treatment
    Thyroid Medications
    Sleep Disorder
    Pain Management
    Pyrrole Disorder
  • Dermatological Hair loss consultations
    Urticaria (hives)
  • Cosmeceuticals Skin care consultations
    Skin lightening
  • Health Care Practitioners Physicians/Surgeons
  • Eyes Ocular innovation
  • Animal/Pet Allergies
    Eye Infection
    Ear Infection

We welcome you to explore our collection of specially formulated hand creams, body lotions, serums and hydrating mists – made right here at our Balwyn North store.

Get in touch for no-fuss compounding pharmacy solutions

If you would like to speak with us about producing personalised medication just for you, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or contact us and we will be happy to assist.